Sacrifices to Tanit
No city suffered a more savage defeat than Carthage. Three years' desperate and hopeless resistance ended in almost total destruction. |
Flaubert was mistaken: Moloch never existed. The word ‘Moloch’ (MLK in the vowel-less Phoenician script) meant ‘sacrificed offering’, and in Carthage offerings were made to Baal-Hammon and Tanit. In other respects, Flaubert’s dramatic account may have been nearer the truth. Diodorus, a Sicilian-Greek historian who lived at about the time of Julius Caesar, gave an account of a desperate Carthaginian sacrifice of 500 children of noble birth in 310 Bc when the city of Carthage was under attack by the Sicilian Greeks. Diodorus’ history is not altogether reliable, but other, more recent, evidence is more conclusive. In a shrine to Tanit at Salammbé (near the city of Carthage) excavators found thousands of jars containing the cremated remains of children, Most of the children were under two years old when they died, but some were as old as 12. Cremated birds and animals were also found. Probably animal sacrifice gradually replaced human sacrifice in Carthage, as much earlier it had done elsewhere.
Their greatest single legacy to history, the Phoenicians' alphabet had 22 consonants. From it, the Greek and Roman alphabets derived. |
In time, the trading and colonial interests of Carthage were
challenged by the rising power of Rome. In 264 BC the rivalry of the two powers
exploded into bitter and desperate warfare. Three wars were fought - the Punic
Wars - and Rome - won each of them. (The word Punic is Latin for Phoenician.)
In 146 BC Rome gained the final victory, and showed no mercy to the vanquished
enemy. Those who resisted the Romans were slaughtered: those who - surrendered
were sold into slavery. The mighty city, set on fire during the fighting, was
deliberately razed to the ground. Scipio, the conqueror of Carthage, then took
the final dreadful vengeance on behalf of Rome. He cursed the ruins, and at his
command a plough was symbolically drawn over the site of the city and salt
dropped into the furrow. The Carthaginian way of life was dead. It was cruel
and tasteless; few have mourned its passing.
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