Life and death in Ur
Summer was one of the first countries in which men began to
settle in groups and build towns. What conditioned their society and made them
develop their particular pattern of living?
QUEEN PU – ABI died about 5000 years ago. Her attendants
dressed her splendidly, covering her cloak with precious jewellery down to the
waist and trying her wig with a golden band. When they had finished, bearers
took the queen down a sloping pit shaft into her burial chamber and reverently
laid her face upward on a plain wooden bier. Her two women attendants carefully
arranged her most treasured possessions around her, then one crouched by her
head and another by her feet. Down the slope leading to the queen’s burial
chamber came soldiers, courtiers, officials and servants. Musicians appeared
and more women attendants, their gay robes and sparking hair lavishly decorated
with jewellery of gold, silver and lapis lazuli. Hard on the heels of this
strange procession came oxen and donkeys pulling decorated carts, their drivers
and grooms struggling to guide them into position for the macabre ceremony
about to be performed.
As the shuffling ceased, each of those present took a cup
filled from the large copper pot standing in the centre of the chamber. Then all
took up their proper places either inside the chamber or by the doorway at the
bottom of the pit. The musicians played on their instruments, and calmly and
deliberately the whole party drank. Then all fell unconscious, for the drink
was drugged. Someone came down to slay the animals, and finally the royal grave
– diggers entombed the whole party in the earth.